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Diana Prodanović-Stankić

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Akademska karijera
◦ 1998. Diploma Filozofskog fakulteta – profesor engleskog jezika i književnosti
◦ 1999-2008. Zvanje lektora za engleski jezik, Odsek za engleski jezik i književnost, Filozofski fakultet u Novom Sadu
◦ 2007. Diploma magistra lingvističkih nauka –  Naslov teze: Matafora u poslovicama s nazivima domaćih životinja u engleskom i srpskom jeziku: kognitivnolingvistički pristup
◦ 2008 - 2013. Zvanje nastavnika jezičkih veština, Odsek za engleski jezik i književnost, Filozofski fakultet u Novom Sadu
◦ 2013. Diploma doktora lingvističkih nauka – Naslov teze: Jezički i vanjezički aspekti verbalnog humora u engleskom i srpskom jeziku na primeru filmskih i televizijskih dijaloga: kognitivnolingvistički pristup
◦ 2014. Izbor u zvanje docenta za predmet Engleski jezik, Odsek za anglistiku, Filozofski fakultet u Novom Sadu
◦ 2019. Izbor u zvanje vanrednog profesora za predmet Engleski jezik, Odsek za anglistiku, Filozofski fakultet u Novom Sadu

Oblasti interesovanja i istraživanja
◦ engleski jezik
◦ kognitivna lingvistika
◦ kulturološka lingvistika
◦ teorija prevođenja



  1. (2016). Prodanović Stankić, D. Verbalni humor u engleskom i srpskom jeziku. Filozofski fakultet, Novi Sad. ISBN 978-86-6065-353-8.
  2. (2015). Izgarjan, A., Prodanović Stankić, D. Approaches to Metaphor: Cognitive, Translation and Literature Studies Perspective. Faculty of Philosophy, Novi Sad. ISBN 978-86-6065-327-9.
  3. (2008). Prodanović Stankić, D. Životinje u poslovicama na engleskom i srpskom jeziku. Zadužbina Andrejević, Beograd.
    ISSN 1450-653X    ISBN 978-86-7244-722-4                                   


  1. (2018). Prodanović Stankić, D., Izgarjan, A. „Kolumbo je fulao: Humor u romanu Louise Erdrich The Round House”. Kniževna smotra 189/3: 109-119
  2. (2018). Prodanović Stankić, D. “Peer feedback as a collaborative task used in improving writing skills: a case study”. Nastava i vaspitanje 3/2107: 515-526.
  3. (2017) Prodanović Stankić, D. Handling the text in translator education from the perspective of cognitive translatology: a case study”. Logos et Littera: Journal of Interdisciplinary approaches to Text 4/1: 59-73.
  4. (2017) Prodanović Stankić, D. “Cultural conceptualisations in humorous discourse in English and Serbian”. In: Farzad  Sharifian (ed.). Advances in Cultural Linguistics. Springer. 29-49.
  5. (2017). Prodanović Stankić, D. “Linguistic Approaches to the Study of Verbal Humour”. Czech and Slovak Linguistic Review 1/2016: 39-51.
  6. (2016) Prodanović Stankić, D. “Global and Culture Specific Elements in Humorous Discourse in English and Serbian: a case study”. In: Ivana Živančević Sekeruš, Biljana Šimunović Bešlin and Željko Milanović (eds.). Encounter of Cultures, Proceedings from the 8th International Interdisciplinary Symposium “Encounter of Cultures” held on the 1st and 2nd December at the Faculty of Philospohy in Novi Sad. Filozofski fakultet: Novi Sad: 253-265.
  7. (2016)  Prodanović Stankić, D. “Higher education students’ attitudes to learning and learning outcomes in the EFL classroom”. In: Snežana Gudurić, Marija Stefanović (eds.). Languages and Cultures in Time and Space 5. Filozofski fakultet: Novi Sad: 459-471.
  8. (2015)  Prodanović Stankić, D. “Pragmatic aspects of verbal humour in telecinematic discourse: a case study”. In: Virginia Popović, Ivana Janjić, Speranța Milancovici, Eugen Gagea (eds.). Communication, Culture, Creation: New Scientific Paradigms. Arad: Vasile Goldiș University Press; Novi Sad: Fondatia Europa: 711-718.
  9.  (2015) Izgarjan, A., Prodanović Stankić D. “Humour and Horror in the Classroom: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching the English Language and American Literature at the University Level”. In: Aleksandra Nikčević-Batričević and Marija Krivokapić (eds.) Mapping the World of Anglo-American Studies at the Turn of the Century. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle upon Tyne: 243-263.
  10. (2014) Prodanović Stankić, D. “Formalno-funkcijski i sadržinski aspekti verbalnog humora na srpskom jeziku”[Formal, functional and meaning related aspects of verbal humour in Serbian]. In: Snežna Gudurić and Marija Stefanović (eds.). Languages and Cultures in Time and Space IV/2. Faculty of Philosophy: Novi Sad: 325-335.
  11. (2014) Prodanović Stankić, D. “Humorous effects created by the non-observance of Grice’s cooperative principle in English and Serbian: a case study”. In: T. Prćić et al. (eds.) Festschrift in honour of Draginja Pervaz English Language and Anglophone Literatures in Theory and Practice. Faculty of Philosophy: Novi Sad: 443-457.
  12. (2014) Izgarjan, A., Prodanović Stankić, D. “Through the storm we reach the shore: a small scale study in cognitive poetics”. In: Ivana Živančević-Sekeruš (ed.) Proceedings from the 7th International Symposium Encounter of Cultures. Faculty of Philosophy: Novi Sad: 183-195.
  13. (2014) Prodanović Stankić, D. “Engleski kao odomaćeni strani jezik u humorističkom diskursu na primeru dijaloga iz filmova i televizijskih serija na srpskom jeziku”[English as the nativized foreign language in humorous discourse exemplified by film and television dialogues in Serbian]. In: Snežna Gudurić and Marija Stefanović (eds.). Languages and Cultures in Time and Space III. Faculty of Philosophy: Novi Sad: 429-439.
  14. (2014) Izgarjan, A., Prodanović Stankić, D., Markov, S. “Gender Aspect in Popular Women’s  Magazines in Serbia and the U.S.” Teme 38/2: 805-824.
  15. (2014) Prodanović Stankić, D. “Implicirana značenja u reklamama na engleskom i srpskom jeziku (Book review)”. Zbornik Matice srpske za filologiju i lingvistike 57/1: 301-307.
  16. (2013) Izgarjan, A., Markov, S., Prodanović Stankić, D. “Gender and politics as the dominant factors in the perceptions of multicultural education”. Gender Studies 12/1: 333-360.
  17. (2013) Prodanović Stankić, D. “An Analysis of Metaphor and Metonymy Interaction in Humorous Discourse“. In: Snežana Gudurić and Marija Stefanović (eds.) Languages and Cultures in Time and Space II/1. Faculty of Philosophy: Novi Sad: 117-125.
  18. (2013) Prodanović Stankić, D. “Translating verbal humour and cultural elements in sitcoms: a corpus-based analysis“. In: Ivana Živančević-Sekeruš (ed.) Proceedings from the 6th International Symposium Encounter of Cultures. Vol. 2. Faculty of Philosophy: Novi Sad: 781-789.
  19. (2012) Izgarjan, A., Prodanović Stankić, D. “Importance of multicultural education and possible implications in Serbia”. Nastava i vaspitanje 61/1: 156-169.
  20. (2012) Izgarjan, A., Markov, S., Prodanović Stankić, D. “Gender Aspects in the Attitudes of the Students of the University of Novi Sad towards Multiculturalism”. Gender Studies 12/ 2: 251-269.
  21. (2012) Prodanović Stankić, D. “Elements of non-verbal communication in humorous discourse: a case study”. In: Carmen Popescu (ed.). Comparativism, Identity,Communication. Proceedings of the Conference. Craiova, 21-22 October 2011. Tipografia Universităţii din Craiova, Craiova: 444-450.
  22. (2011) Prodanović Stankić, D. “Metaphors and metonymies in Serbian proverbs containing names of animals“. In: Slavic Linguistics in a Cognitive Framework. Marcin Grygiel and Laura A. Janda (eds.). Peter Lang,  Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien:  237-250.
  23. (2011) Prodanović Stankić, D. “Using humour in teaching English as a foreign language at more advanced levels”. Journal of the Institute for Educational Research 43/2: 254-265.
  24. (2011) Prodanović Stankić, D. “Analiza verbalnog humora na primeru filmskih dijaloga u komediji Crni Gruja i kamen mudrosti režisera Marka Marinković”[Analysis of verbal humour in dialogues in the comedy Black Gruja and the Philosopher’s Stone directed by Marko Marinković]. Zbornik radova sa Trećeg kongresa Primenjena lingvistika danas – između teorije i prakse, održanog 29.11-1.12.2009. u Novom Sadu. Filozofski fakultet: Novi Sad: 571-581.
  25. (2011) Izgarjan, A., Prodanović Stankić, D. „Rodni identitet i elementi humora u diskursu časopisa namenjenih ženama i muškarcima“[Gender identity and elements of humour in popular magazines]. Interkulturalnost: časopis za podsticanje i afirmaciju interkulturne komunikacije 2: 112-122.
  26. (2009) Prodanović Stankić, D. „Pojmovna metonimija u metafora u značenjima lekseme srce u srpskom jeziku“[Conceptual metonymy in the meanings of the lexeme heart in Serbian]. Godišnjak Filozofskog fakulteta u Novom Sadu 34/1: 77-87.
  27. (2008) Prodanović Stankić, D. „Pojmovna metafora u poslovicama ili zašto su ljudi životinje”[Conceptual metaphors in proverbs or why are people animals?]. Svet reči 25-26: 16-19.
  28. (2008) Izgarjan, A., Prodanović Stankić, D. “Understanding of Conceptual Metaphors: an exploratory case study”. In: Katarina Rasulić and Ivana Trbojević  (eds.). English Language and Literature Studies: Structures Across CulturesELLSSAC Proceedings, Vol. 2., Filološki fakultet, Beograd: 177-189.
  29. (2008) Izgarjan, A., Prodanović Stankić, D. “Analysis of Animal Metaphors in Literature from the Cognitive Perspective”. Godišnjak Filozofskog  fakulteta u Novom Sadu 53/2: 391-401.
  30.  (2004) Prodanović Stankić, D. „Metafore s nazivima životinja u engleskom i srpskom jeziku”[Metaphors containing the names of animals in English and Serbian]. Zbornik Matice srpske za filolgiju i lingvistiku 47/1-2: 131-145.


  1. (2019). Begonja, H., Prodanović Stankić, D. “Expressive Language in Translation of Books for Children: a corpus-based study“. 14th International Conference The Child and the Book: Beyond the Canon, 8-10.5.2019, University of Zadar, Zadar.
  2. (2019). Prodanović Stankić, D. “A Corpus-Based Approach to Translation Error Analysis: a case study of Serbian EFL learners”. Paper presented at English Language and Anglophone Literatures Today 5 (ELALT 5), 9 March 2019, Faculty of Philosophy, Novi Sad.
  3. (2018). Prodanović Stankić, D. „Kulturološke konceptualizacije u poslovicama na engleskom i srpskom jeziku”. Rad predstavljen na Desetom međunarodnom interdisciplinarnom simpozijumu Susret kultura, 30. novembra, 2018, Filozofski fakultet, Novi Sad.
  4. (2018). Prodanović Stankić, D., Begonja, H. “Developing Intercultural Competences in Translation Education through a Collaborative Task-Based Approach“. Paper presented at the Fourth International scientific conference Interculturalism in Education 2018, 13 October, 2018, Pedagogical Institute of Vojvodina and Faculty of Philosophy, Novi Sad.
  5. (2018). Prodanović Stankić, D. “The Development and Use of Blended Learning and Collaborative Online Tools in Translation Education”. 3rd Annual OLLReN Conference on Research Into Using Technology for Language Learning, 4 October 2018, IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG, Laureate International Universities and Cambridge University Press. (on-line conference).
  6. (2018) Begonja, H., Prodanović Stankić, D. “Shock-headed Peter Shocking Students: a case study in translation methodology”. From Morals to the Macabre in Translation for Children, 4-5 April 2018, Pedagogical University of Kraków, Poland.
  7. (2017) Prodanović Stankić, D. “Teaching English at the Tertiary Level in the Serbian Context”. Language and Linguistics: International Perspectives, 17-25 May 2017, Mary immaculate College, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.
  8. (2016) Prodanović Stankić, D. “Politicians are Animals: satirizing political systems through multimodal humour”.  Cognitive Linguistics in Wroclaw Conference, 3-4 December, 2016, Wroclaw. (web conference).
  9. (2015) Prodanović Stankić, D. “The Role of Metaphor and Metonymy in Humorous Discourse: a case study”. Cognitive Linguistics in Wroclaw Conference, 3-6 December, 2015, Wroclaw. (web conference).
  10. (2015) Prodanović Stankić, D. “Higher Education Students’ Attitudes to Learning and Learning Outcomes in EFL Classroom”. Languages and Cultures in Time and Space 5, Faculty of Philosophy, Novi Sad, 31st October 2015.
  11. (2015) Prodanović Stankić, D. “Transforming teachers’ / learners’ feedback into task-based instructions: a case study”.  English Language and Literature Studies: Tradition and Transforamtion (ELLSTAT), Belgrade, English Department, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, 23-24 October 2015.
  12. (2014) Prodanović Stankić, D. “Global and culture-specific elements in humorous discourse in English and Serbian: a case study”. 8th International Interdisciplinary Symposium Encounter of Cultures, Novi Sad 1-3 December, 2014.
  13. (2014) Prodanović Stankić, D. “Pragmatic Aspects of Verbal Humour in Telecinematic Discourse: a case study”. International Conference Communication, Culture, Creation: New Scientific Paradigms, Faculty of Philosophy Novi Sad, Vasile Goldiş Western University of Arad, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi,  Foundation Europe, Novi Sad Journal Interkulturalnost, Novi Sad, October 3-5, 2014.
  14. (2014) Prodanović Stankić, D. “Formalno-funkcijski i sadržinski aspekti verbalnog humora u srpskom jeziku”. Languages and Cultures in Time and Space 4, Faculty of Philosophy, Novi Sad, 22nd November 2014.
  15. (2014) Prodanović Stankić, D. “Translation of Specialized Texts as Part of Translation Training”. 3rd IATIS Regional Workshop-Western Balkans, Faculty of Philosophy, Novi Sad, September 25-26, 2014.
  16. (2013) Izgarjan, A., Prodanović Stankić, D. “Through the storm we reach the shore: a small scale study in cognitive poetics“. 7th International Interdisciplinary Symposium Encounter of Cultures, Faculty of Philosophy, Novi Sad, 1st December 2013.
  17. (2013) Prodanović Stankić, D. „Engleski kao odomaćeni strani jezik u humorističkom diskursu na primeru dijaloga iz filmova i televizijskih serija na srpskom jeziku”. International Conference Languages and Cultures in Time and Space 3, Novi Sad, November 2013.  
  18. (2013) Izgarjan, A., Prodanović Stankić, D. “Use of Humour as a Means of Integrating ELT and Teaching American Literature at the University Level”. 9th International Conference on English Language and Literary Studies, Nikšić, October 2013.
  19. (2013) Izgarjan, A. Markov, S., Prodanović Stankić, D. “Gender and Politics as Dominant Factors in the Perceptions of Multicultural Education”. 23rd International Conference on British and American Studies, Timişoara, May 2013.
  20. (2013). Prodanović Stankić, D. “The Elements of Culture in Verbally Expressed Humour: a case study”. 2nd International conference on English Studies “English and Anglophone Literatures Today (ELALT)”, Novi Sad, March 2013.
  21. (2012) Prodanović Stankić, D. “An Analysis of Metaphor and Metonymy Interaction in Humorous Discourse”. Međunarodna konferencija“Jezici i kulture u vremenu i prostoru 2”, Novi Sad, November, 2012.
  22. (2012) Prodanović Stankić, D. “Political Humour in Serbian TV series: a case study”. 2nd International Conference on Humour in Conventional and Unconventional Politics (ICHCUP), International Society of Humour Studies Endorsed, Galati, November 2012.
  23. (2012) Prodanović Stankić, D. “Applying humorous content in EFL classroom”. 4th International Congress of Applied Linguistics “Challenges of Modern Times” (ALT 4), Belgrade, October 2012.
  24. (2012) Izgarjan, A., Prodanović Stankić, D. “Gender Aspect in Humorous Discourse in Popular Women Magazines in Serbia and the USA”. Women in Magazines: Research, Representation, Production and Consumption. London, Kingston University, June 2012.
  25. (2012) Izgarjan, A., Markov, S., Prodanović Stankić, D. “Gender Aspects in the Attitudes of the Students of the University of Novi Sad towards Multiculturalism”. 22nd International Conference on British and American Studies, Timişoara, May 2012.
  26. (2011) Prodanović Stankić, D. “Translating Verbal Humour and Cultural Elements in Sitcoms: a corpus-based analysis”. 6th International Interdisciplinary Symposium Encounter of Cultures, Novi Sad, December 2011.
  27. (2011) Prodanović Stankić, D. “The Importance of English as a Global Language for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises”. Poster presentation. International conference “Information and Communication Technologies for Small and Medium Enterprises (ICT for SME)”, Aranđelovac, September 2011.
  28. (2011) Prodanović Stankić, D. “Humour as an indispensable part of ELT”. 1st International Conference on English Studies “English Language and Anglophone Literatures Today (ELALT)”, Novi Sad, March 2011. 
  29. (2009) Prodanović Stankić, D. “Identity and Gender in Humorous Activities in Mass Media”. International conference to mark the 80th anniversary of the English Department, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade “English Language and Literature Studies: Image, Identity, Reality (ELLSIIR)”, Belgrade, December 2009.
  30. (2009) Prodanović Stankić, D. “Analiza verbalnog humora na primeru filmskih dijaloga u komediji Crni Gruja i kamen mudrosti režisera Marka Marinkovića”. 3rd International Congress of Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy,Novi Sad, October/November 2009.
  31. (2007) Izgarjan, A., Prodanović Stankić, D. “Understanding of Conceptual Metaphor”. International conference “English Language and Literature Studies: Structures Across Cultures (ELLSSAC)”, Belgrade, December 2007.


  1. (2018). Nova filozofija društva: teorija sklopova i društvena kompleksnost. Manuel Delanda. Mediterran publishing, Novi Sad. 202. str. ISBN 978-86-6391-085-0
  2. (2012). Alfred Šic. Sabrani radovi: problem društvene stvarnosti. Mediterran publishing, Novi Sad. 419. str. ISBN 978-86-86689-65-8
  3. (2010). Kultura gradova. Luis Mamford. Mediterran publishing, Novi Sad. (u kooautorstvu sa P. Novakovim i A. Izgarjan). 603. str. ISBN 978-86-86689-43-6
    (prevod sa engleskog jezika)
  4. (2009). Tehnika i civilizacija. Luis Mamford. Mediterran publishing, Novi Sad. (u kooautorstvu sa P. Novakovim). 524. str. ISBN 978-86-86689-32-0
    (prevod sa engleskog jezika
  5. (2009). “Slon”. Odlomak iz romana TheElephant, Aravind Adiga. Polja LIV, 459. Novi Sad. 159–173. (prevod sa engleskog jezika)
  6. (2008).“Džezmin”. Odlomak iz romana Jasmine, Bharati Mukerjee. Polja LIII, 454. Novi Sad. 57–66. (prevod sa engleskog jezika)
  7. (2002). Romani women. Translation of two oral histories of Romany women in Vojvodina. Savić S. et. al. Futura publikacije, Novi Sad. 220. str. (u kooautorstvu sa A. Izgarjan). (prevod sa srpskog na engleski jezik)


© 2007. Filozofski fakultet u Novom Sadu