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Aleksandra Izgarjan

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PhD American Literature and Culture
Faculty oh Philosophy, Novi Sad, 2000 – 2006
Degree obtained on December 26, 2006
MA British and American Literature,
Faculty oh Philosophy, University of Novi Sad Novi Sad, 1995 – 2000
Degree obtained on May 26, 2001
BA English Language and Literature,
Faculty oh Philosophy University of Novi Sad, 1991 – 1995
Degree obtained on October 6, 1995

Present position:
Associate Professor, Department of English, University of Novi Sad

Professional experience:
◦ 2012 – Associate Professor 
◦ 2007 – 2012 Assistant Professor, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of English
◦ 2007-1995 Assistant Lecturer, University of Novi Sad Faculty of Philosophy, Department of English
Postgraduate programs:
Fulbright scholarship, New York University, New York, USA, 2011
Democracy & Diversity Graduate Summer Institute, Krakow, Poland, 2005
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA, 2003
University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, USA, 1998

Undergraduate level
XIX Century American Literature, XX Century American Literature, African American Literature, African American Women Writers, Contemporary American Culture and Society, Contemporary American Women Writers
Graduate level
Postmodern American Women Writers
Doctoral level
Third Wave Feminisms


Maksin Hong Kingston i Ejmi Ten: Ratnica i šamanka (Maxine Hong Kingston and Amy
Tan: Woman Warrior and Shaman). Faculty of Philsophy. Novi Sad. 2008.
Neprekinuta crna priča (Uninterrupted Black Story). Zadužbina Andrejević. Beograd. 2002.

“Imena kao metafore u romanima Toni Morrison Song of Solomon i Beloved” (Names as Metaphors in Toni Morrison’s novels Song of Solomon and Beloved), Zbornik Matice Srpske, Novi Sad, 2012.
“Importance of multicultural education and possible implications in Serbia”, Nastava i vaspitanje: časopis za pedagošku teoriju i praksu, Savez pedagooških društava Srbije, Beograd, Ljubomir Kocić (ur.), 2012, 156-169.
“Multikulturni feminizam” (Multicultural feminism), Uvod u rodne teorije (Introduction to Gender Studies), Ivana Milojević i Slobodanka Markov (ur.), Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Centar za Rodne studije ACIMSI, Mediterran, Novi Sad, 2011, 215-229.
“Womanism Revisited: Perspectives Past and Present.” Gender Studies, Vol. 11, No. 1/2012. Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara - Centrul Interdisciplinar de Studii de Gen.
“Importance of multicultural education and possible implications in Serbia”, Nastava i vaspitanje, Pedagoško društvo Srbije, Beograd, 2012.
 “Rodni identitet i elementi humora u diskursu časopisa namenjenih ženama i muškarcima” (Gender identity and elements of humour in the discourse of the women’s and men’s magazines), Interkulturalnost, Zavod za kulturu Vojvodine, Novi Sad, 2011, 112-124, (u koautorstvu sa Dianom Prodanović-Stankić).
“The Empire Strikes Back: Struggle of Multicultural Feminists within the Second and Third Wave Feminisms”, ProFemina, 2011: 151-160.
“Narrative Strategies in Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club”, CrosSections, Pec, Hungary, 2010, pp 231-242.
“Perception of the Entrepreneurship of the Male and Female Students at the University of Novi Sad”, Sociološki pregled, год. XLIV (2010), бр. 2, стр. 325–336. UDK: 159.019.4. M24 5 (u koautorstvu sa dr Slobodankom Markov)
Foreword, editing and translation, Savremene američke književnice: antologija (Contemporary American Women Writers: Anthology), Agora, Zrenjanin. 2009
 “Fate vs. Faith in Amy Tan’s The Kitchen God’s Wife”, Annual Review of the Faculty of Philosophy, XXXIV-1, Novi Sad. 2009. pp. 239-249.
Perception of the Entrepreneurship of the Male and Female Students at the University of Novi Sad”, Sociološki pregled, XLIV (2010),  2, 325–336. (u koautorstvu sa dr Slobodankom Markov)
“Selected bibliography of American literature”, Prevodilac, Udruženje naučnih i stručnih prevodilaca Srbije, Beograd, 2009, 1-2, str. 89-96.
Understanding of Conceptual Metaphors: Trial Study.” ELLSSAC. Belgrade. 2008. (u koautorstvu sa Dianom Prodanović-Stankić).
“Analysis of Animal Metaphors in Literature from the Cognitive Perspective.” Annual Review of the Faculty of Philosophy. Vol. XXXIII-2. Novi Sad. 2008, (u koautorstvu sa Dianom Prodanović-Stankić).
Elements of Multiculturalism in the Works of Contemporary American Women Writers. Think Tank. No. 15-16. III. 2007.
“Language as a means of shaping new cultural identity in Maxine Hong Kingston's The Woman Warrior”. B. A. S. British and American Studies. 2007.
“Intertextuality in Maxine Hong Kingston’s Novel China Men”. Annual Review of the Faculty of Philosophy. Vol. XXXII. Novi Sad. 2007.
“Glas i tišina u romanu Ljudi iz Kine Maksin Hong Kingston” (Voice and Silence in the Novel China Men Maxine Hong Kingston). Philologia. Belgrade. 2007.
“Contemporary American Multiethnic Women Writers”. Polja. LIII. No. 454.
 “Reception of African American Women’s Literature from 1990 to 2002. Philological Review. XXX 1. 2003pp.103-117.
 “Picaresque Genre in Three American Novels”. Annual Review of the Faculty of Philosophy. Vol.XXX. 2002.
“Problems in Translating Romani Women”. Novi Sad: Futura Publikacije. 2002.
 “On Untranslatability of African American Vernacular English”. B. A. S. British and American Studies. Vol. IV. No1. 1999.
 “Beatniks as Precursors of Postmodernism”, Language and Literature at the End of XX Century. Podgorica. Institute for Foreign Languages. 1997.

“Narrative Strategies in Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club”, HUSSE Conference, Pecs, Hungary, 2009
“Womanism Revisited: Perspectives Past and Present”, British and American Studies, University of the West, 19-21. May 2011, Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara - Centrul Interdisciplinar de Studii de Gen. Romania.
“Names and Naming in Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon and Beloved”, ELALT Conference, Novi Sad, 2011.
“Shifting Identities in Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon”, V International Interdisciplinary Symposium Encounter of Cultures, University of Novi Sad, 2009
“Analysis of Translation of the Works by African american Women Writers Published in Serbia from 1990 to 2002”, III International Congress of Apllied Linguistics, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2009
“Language as a means of shaping new cultural identity in Maxine Hong Kingston's The Woman Warrior”, International Conference on British, Irish and American Studies, Temissoara, May 2007.
“Understanding of conceptual metaphor”, English Language and Literature Studies: Structures across Cultures, Belgrade, 7 – 9. XII 2007
“Setting as a Character in Nineteenth Century American Fiction”, EAAS Biennial Conference 2006, Cyprus
“Elements of Culture in Translation”, Translation Workshop, University of Novi Sad, 2005
“Translating Multicultural Texts”, Translation Workshop, University of Novi Sad, 2005
“State of Women Studies in Vojvodina and in the USA”, Conference Women Studies at the University, University of Novi Sad, 2005
“Audre Lorde’s Sister Outsider”, Cultural Centre, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2002
“Matrilineage in the Work of Alice Walker”, Women Studies and Research, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2001
“On Untranslatibility of African American Vernacular English” International Conference on British, Irish and American Studies, Temissoara, May 21-23 1998
 “Beatniks as Precursors of Postmodernism” at International Symposium “Language and Literature at the End of the XX century” Herceg Novi, Montenegro, October 4 - 6 1996

Savremene američke književnice: antologija (Contemporary American Women Writers:
Anthology), Agora, Zrenjanin. 2009
Danticat, Edwidge. “A Wall of Fire Rising”. Polja. LV. No. 463. Pp. 180-190.
Tan, Amy. “My Grandmother’s Choice”. Polja. LIII. No. 454. pp. 53 – 56.
Kingston, Maxine Hong. “No Name Woman”. Polja. LIII. No. 454. pp. 44 – 52. Novi Sad.
Brenan, Timoti. “Edvard Said and Comparative Literature”. Polja LIII. No. 452. pp. 77-90.
Novi Sad, 2008.
Ayelet Ben-Yishai. “The Dialectics of Shame: Representation in the Metanarrative of
Salman Rushdie’s Shame”. Polja. LII. No. 448. Novi Sad. 2007.
Romani Women. Novi Sad: Futura Publikacije, 2002 (with Diana Prodanovic Stankic).

Other professional activities:
Thesis guidance at master level
Coordinator for International Relations of the English Department, University of Novi Sad
Member of Education Evaluation Committee at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad
Member of accrediation committee at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad
Member of evaluation committee at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad
Editor-in chief of the scientific journal Borderlands

Coordinator of the project “Elements of Multiculturalism in the Educational Process at the University of Novi Sad”
Introduction of the courses on African American literature and Contemporary American Women Writers
Introduction of gender and ethnically sensitive courses at the Department of English, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad (Courses: Contemporary American Society and Culture, Contemporary Women Writers, African American Women Writers)
Participation in the projects “Comparative Studies of Serbian and Foreign Literatures and Cultures”, “Serbian and Foreign Literature and Culture in Contact and Discontact” and “Translation in the System of Comparative Studies of Serbian and Foreign Literature and Culture” financed by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia
Participation in the project “Perception of the Entrepreneurship of the Male and Female Students at the University of Novi Sad” financed by the Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development, Vojvodina
Participation in institutionalization of gender studies at the University of Novi Sad and formation of Center for Gender Studies at the University of Novi Sad

Membership in professional bodies:           
President of Serbian Association for Anglo-American Studies
Member of the Committee for Accreditation, University of Novi Sad
Member of the Committee for Evaluation, University of Novi Sad
Member of Serbian Society for Applied Linguistics
Member of the European Society for the Study of English

Community Service:
Volunteer at the American Corner in Novi Sad since 2004
Moderator of the Book Club at the American Corner in Novi Sad since 2005


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