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Predavanje ambasadora Austrije na Filozofskom fakultetu

Filozofski fakultet u Novom Sadu ima zadovoljstvo da vas obavesti da će Njegova ekselencija g.Klemens Koja, ambasador Austrije, posetiti Filozofski fakultet u sredu, 23. novembra 2011. godine. Ambasador će tom prilikom održati i predavanje na temu:

Austrian-Serbian Relations with a special focus to the European Union's Danube Strategy

Predavanje će biti održano u 12.30 časova u sali 30/1 i biće na engleskom jeziku.

Ukratko o predavanju:
The lecture Austrian-Serbian Relations with a special focus to the European Union's Danube Strategy will try to give an overview of the long-standing relations between our two countries in many fields. Important aspects of the Austrian interest in Serbia today are the full support we give to the Serbian European Integration Policy, and our economic cooperation, as Austria is one of the biggest foreign investors in the country. A special field full of opportunities for cooperation in concrete projects is/will be the recently adopted EU-Strategy for the Danube.


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