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International Conference of Education Research and Innovation

Dear colleagues,

We inform you that the annual edition of  ICERI2009 (International Conference of Education Research and Innovation) will be held in  Madrid  (Spain), next 16th, 17th and 18th of November 2009.

We are sure that it will be very interesting for professionals in the area of Education, Research, Innovation and New Learning Technologies.

The deadline for abstract submission is  15 th  of July 2009.

This annual event brings together professionals in the field of Education and Technology. It will be an excellent opportunity to share your experiences and projects with educators and professionals from all parts of the world.

More information is available at:  http://www.iated.org/iceri2009

Yours sincerely,
David Martí 
Member of ICERI 2009 Local Organising Committee
International Association for Technology, Education and Development (IATED)
Email:  iceri2009 at iated.org


Drage kolege,

Obaveštavamo vas da će se 16, 17 i 18. novembra 2009. godine u Madridu (Španija) održati godišnja Međunarodna konferencija o istraživanju i inovacijama u obrazovanju ICERI2009 (International Conference of Education Research and Innovation).

Sigurni smo da će Konferencija zainteresovati stručnjake iz oblasti obrazovanja, istraživačkog rada, inovacija i novih tehnologija u učenju.

Rok za predaju apstrakata je 15. jul 2009. godine.

Konferencija okuplja stručnjake iz oblasti obrazovanja i tehnologija i idealna je prilika da podelite svoja iskustva i projekte sa profesorima i stručnjacima iz celog sveta.

Više informacija mozete pronaći na internet-adresi: http://www.iated.org/iceri2009

Srdačan pozdrav,
David Martí
Član organizacionog odbora Konferencije
Međunarodna asocijacija za tehnologiju, obrazovanje i razvoj (IATED)
Imejl: iceri2009 at iated.org

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