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"2nd Internationalisation in Higher Education: Management of higher education and research" (IHE 2015)


Dear Colleagues,

Let us inform you on the approaching conference "2nd Internationalisation in Higher Education: Management of higher education and research" (IHE 2015).

The event will be held during April 13, 2015, in Prague, Czech Republic. The conference is followed by Post-conference Quality Assurance training course - April 14-16, 2015.

Research papers can be accepted as from delegates and non-delegates 

Prospective participants are invited to submit their papers according to conditions specified in the Call for papers. The Abstract should not exceed 200 words and it should be sent not later than on 16.02.2015.

Conference details you can find on the following links: questreach.com      itma.cz      esqap.eu 

To receive Registration Form pls send us request email with mobile phone numbers and clear organizational affiliation to ihe@pradec.eu; cc: info@esqap.eu 

Abstract should be sent to emails  ihe@pradec.eu  cc:  info@esqap.eu

Best regards,

Questreach events team


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