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Dr. Wolfgang Schmale has been Full Professor (Ordinarius) for Modern and Contemporary History at Vienna University since 1999. He started his academic carrier as Maître de conférence associé at François-Rabelais University, Tours (France). He then worked at Ruhr-University Bochum, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Technical University, Braunschweig (all Germany), University of Graz (Austria). He has been invited lecturer or guest-professor at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem (2006, 2010), and University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (2007). In November 2010, he has been Directeur d’études associé at the Maison des sciences de l’homme, Paris (France). He has been president of the Austrian Society for 18th century-studies (www.oege18.org) for over 11 years, he is now member of the Executive Committe of the International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. In 2012, he published a synthesis on the 18th century (“Das 18. Jahrhundert”, Vienna, Böhlau).
He is president of the Austrian-Serbian Association Felix Kanitz, he is member of Advisory board of the Leibniz-Institute for European History, Mainz. He completes different functions at Vienna University, presently Vice-Dean of Studies, co-speaker of two main research fields at Historisch-kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät: Historical and cultural sciences of Europe, Digital Humanities. He actually manages a FWF-research project on Continent Allegories in the Age of Baroque.
In the 1990s, he has been an expert at the Council of Europe/Council for Cultural Co-operation (CDCC): Democracy, human rights, minorities: educational and cultural aspects. He was co-author of an anthology of human rights-texts for the use in the schools of the Council’s member states, and he also published and edited “Human Rights and Cultural Diversity” (Keip Publishing 1993). Formerly, he has been co-author of “L’An I des droits de l’homme” (with Antoine de Baecque and Michel Vovelle; Paris: CNRS 1988), one of the major publications in regard of the Bicentenary of the French Revolution. He managed a FWF-research project on the Austrian League for Human Rights whose archives partially had been destroyed by the Nazis, the rest had been transported to Moscow by Soviet troops after second world war. The project is tied to Schmale’s “Habilitationsschrift” on the history of human rights, published in 1997, it ends in 2014 with an international conference on the raise of human rights ligues. An exhibition in the University Library shows some results of the research project.
He contributed to “Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit” as responsible director of the field “Gesellschaft” (Society) (=Teilherausgeber); key-articles written by Schmale are “Gesellschaft” (Society), “Feudale Gesellschaft” (Feudal Society), “Bürgerliche Gesellschaft” (Civil Society), etc. He is editor in chief of various book series and historical journals, namely Wiener Zeitschrift zur Geschichte der Neuzeit and Wiener Schriften zur Geschichte der Neuzeit; Österreich und das 18. Jahrhundert – Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts and The Eighteenth Century And The Habsburg Monarchy. International Series (the series is in English, French and German); Herausforderungen – Historisch politsche Analysen.
His main fields of research are French and European History, Legal and Cultural History, historical men’s studies, 18th-century studies, digital historical sciences. His last books are “Privacy in the Age of Digital media” (with Marie-Theres Tinnefeld as co-author; Böhlau, Vienna 2014); “My Europe: Travel Journals of a Historian” (Böhlau, Vienna 2013); “Digital Historical Sciences” (Böhlau, Vienna, 2010); “History and Future of European identity” (Kohlhammer Verlag, Stuttgart, 2008, licensed to Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung in 2010), , after, among others, a “History of Europe” (in German 2000, paperback 2001; in Serbian Clio,Beograd, 2003, in Bulgarian 2005), a “History of France” (in German, paperback, 2000), and, for instance, a “History of Masculinity in Europe, 1450-2000” (2003, Serbian translation Clio, Beograd, 2011).
Monographs and Edited Volumes on European History:
- Mein Europa. Reisetagebücher eines Historikers: Vienna:Böhlau 2013.
- Co-editor with Heinz Duchhardt et al.: Europäische Erinenrungsorte (European lieux de mémoire). Munich: Oldenbourg, 3 vols., 2011-2012
- main editor (co-editor Nan L. Dodde, Rotterdam): Revolution des Wissens? Europa und seine Schulen im Zeitalter der Aufklärung, Bochum (Winkler) 1991
- Geschichte Europas: Vienna (Böhlau) 2000 (hardcover; paperpack 2001; Serbian translation Belgrade 2003; Bulgarian translation Sofia 2005)
- ed., Kulturtransfer: Kulturelle Praxis in Europa im 16. Jahrhundert Innsbruck (Studienverlag) 2003
- Studien zur europäischen Identität im 17. Jahrhundert (co-authors: Rolf Felbinger, Josef Köstlbauer, Günter Kastner), Bochum (Winkler) 2004
- ed., with Vrääth Öhner, Andreas Pribersky, Heidemarie Uhl: Europa-Bilder, Innsbruck (Studienverlag) 2005
- ed., with Martina Steer: Kulturtransfer in der jüdischen Geschichte, Frankfurt (Campus) 2006
- ed., with Duchhardt, Heinz/Morawiec, Małgorzata/Schmale, Wolfgang/Schulze, Winfried: Europa-Historiker. Ein biographisches Handbuch, vol. 1-2, Göttingen (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht) 2006, vol. 3, Göttingen (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht) 2007
- Geschichte und Zukunft der Europäischen Identität, Stuttgart (Kohlhammer) 2008; Bonn (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung) 2010
- ed., Multiple kulturelle Referenzen in der Habsburgermonarchie des 18. Jahrhunderts/Références culturelles multiples dans la monarchie des Habsbourg au dix-huitième siècle/Multiple Cultural References in 18th-Century Habsburg Monarchy (=Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts, 2009), Bochum (Winkler) 2010