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South East European & Middle East Studies
Centre for Southeast European History
Karl-Franzens-University of Graz
Mozartgasse 3
8010 Graz, Austria
Call for Paper Abstracts
Area Studies in a Globalising World: Challenges and Forms
from the 15th to the 21st Century
Papers should delineate forms and challenges of globalisation from the 15th to the 21st century
in fields such as migration, media, ethnicity, changing and multiple identities, commerce
and economy, everyday life, lifestyle, youth culture, cultural transfer, transnational movements
and phenomena, knowledge production and distribution, and internet revolution.
All applicants within the scope of the above-mentioned aims and related to the topic of the
present call are welcome. SEEMES, however, aims to encourage contributors in particular
who have recently finished their PhDs in a language that does not enjoy world-wide attention.
They should be prepared to condense their theses to 35-40 pages in order to gain international
recognition. They should be ready to provide the editorial board with an English translation
that only needs final proofreading.
- Deadline for submission is August 31st, 2010.
- Application requirements: abstract (max. 500 words), 5 keywords, short scientific CV and
list of publications (if available)
- Language of applications and contributions: English
For detailed information please see: www.seemes.at |